A combination of factors led us to begin a quest for more work/life balance.
• So many workplaces demanding more work for the same compensation
• Little fun at work these days in a tiresome 'woke' and joyless environment
• ‘Always on’ policy, meaning corporations expect one to answer communications throughout personal time.
• What seems like an ‘endless’ cycle of video calls that have replaced desk work with the odd call, person to person, to clarify points.
• Hip surgery I underwent in December 2022 led to my questioning what lifestyle and exercise are necessary to unlock the benefit of the surgery and avoid future hospital visits in the future.
Coming across Michael Mosley's ‘Superagers’ TV series on a flight seemed to provide the answer to much of this, addressing how the effects of ageing on the brain, body, senses, appearance and overall health can be minimised.
Exercise and health
To implement this, I felt I needed to move from the UK to Greece for a serious commitment to an all-year-round climate for swimming and sports, removing the stress of City life, which we did in September '24. I started a program of exercises including:
• Open Water swimming - starving the brain of oxygen, ironically causing the response of increasing brain function
• High Interval Training (HIT), e.g. from speed walking or rowing sprints
• Yoga - promote body youth and flexibility
• Basic martial arts/bone density training
• Cycling - mapping to Super-ager
benefits, extending human cell replication.
• Speed Walking - neutralising infections and some cancer.
Arguably as important as exercise is Lifestyle, including:
• Diet & fasting
• Sleep stages and quality
• Stress levels and meditation.
• Brain alacrity
• Immune system effectiveness
• Cell health
Stuck on life's hamster wheel?
Struggling to gain work/life balance?
Energy, fitness, and alertness a concern?
Follow our road-tested approach & age well.
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